We're taking the Piano Man Pictures Roadshow on the... Road! We’re hitting the road with 4 of our short films, a wild journey for the senses: A dark, horrific tale of a kidney transplant patient on New Year’s Eve in “Faceless, But Remembered” directed by Shelby Baldock, the dramatic story of a mentally ill girl without access to medical attention in “H.I.D.” directed by Chad Allen Barton, the twisted fantasy about the effects of greed while journeying through a dark forest in “Avarice” directed by Rachel M. Taylor, and the comedic conspiracy theory about charging people for the air in their tires in “The Price of Air” directed by Stephen Teague. We'll also be showing off some upcoming work, taking PMP where it's never gone before. All four filmmakers will present at the kickoff in Memphis and then Chad and Shelby take things on the road. 4 short films, 1 BIG show!